This write up is based on OB & MR class.
In both the classes 1 thing is common i.e 1:n rule.
Let me explain 1:n rule by first taking MR class - In this class n=64 & therefore rule becomes 1:64, where this 1 guy rules the show & goes on & on in the circle looking for the corner & this event goes on for entire lecture. He has generally n questions & answer for all n questions, so he answers his own questions :D. He has 1 word answers for 250 word limit questions.In this class we learn less about the subject & learn more about doubt creation skills & irrelevant question asking skills.
Now let me talk about OB class, where n=129, yes this time n is large but the 1 of equation 1:n is unrelenting & believes in never give up philosophy. Here the game is not about finding the corner but here it is ping-pong game b/w this guy & prof so they knock the ball alternatively with exponential increase in vigour & the game stops only when our prof realises that this unrelenting opponent will never stop & with full frustration prof grabs the ball & throws the ball again for next knock & game continues. But when prof realises that it is never ending game he belts this guy left - right & center & changes the topic .... Dumb Looking - Smart Man.. OK ;)
Disclaimer - all the characters in my writeup are not fictitious & this is a damn real story.
As this my first blog so all type of feed backs are welcome.